HomeNewsThe blueberries are blooming in Georgia – a report from the largest producers
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The blueberries are blooming in Georgia – a report from the largest producers

We are closely following the development of the blueberry sector in Georgia, since 200-300 hectares are planted in the country every year and according to EastFruit experts, Georgia already arrived at 1 thousand hectares.

In 2020, Georgia harvested about 750 tons of blueberries, almost 90% of which were exported. According to Andriy Yarmak, economist at the Investment Centre of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), if Georgia manages to double its harvest this season, it will become one of the 25 largest blueberry exporters in the world.

The blooming began later than usual this season. This may delay harvest of blueberries, that ripen by the end of May – early June. Below are the biggest blueberry producers in Georgia and the approximate volumes of harvest they expect this season:

  1. A large blueberry producer from Laituri, Ozurgeti region (Guria region, Western Georgia), FCO plans to export about 300 tons of blueberries, of which 180 tons will be its own harvest of Duke, Bluegold, Bluecrop, Toro, Spartan, Brigitta Blue,, Sunrise and Elizabeth varieties. The rest is collected from local farmers. The start of the harvesting is projected from 1st to 10th of June.
  2. Blue valley, which unites four companies (Blue Valley LLC, Motsvi LLC, Kartuli Motsvi LLC and Dzheoberi LLC), expects to harvest 130 tons of blueberries from the fields in Ozurgeti (Guria) this season. The company is experimentingwith the production of ultra-early blueberries in tunnels, so the first blueberries in Georgia will be available in the first half of May
  3. GeoFresh plans to harvest about 60-70 tons of blueberries from 7 hectares in the Samegrelo region (Western Georgia). Harvesting will begin in early June.
  4. Vartsikhe plantations owns 6 hectares of blueberry plantations in Bagdat region (Imereti region, Western Georgia), where mainly the Chandler variety is grown. The company plans to harvest about 60 tons of export quality blueberries this year. The company also has equipment for rapid cooling, blast freezing and packaging of berries and fruit, operating in accordance with ISO 22000 (Agrolane LLC).
  5. Khareba’s company will start harvesting blueberries in the Samegrelo region (Western Georgia) in early June. The company plans to harvest up to 50 tons.
  6. Blue-berry will harvest about 45 tons this year from the fields in the Narudzha village, Ozurgeti region. The harvest dates are not known yet, but the producer predicts it will start on May 25, if the weather is favorable.
  7. The Memoberry company from the Samegrelo region (Western Georgia) expects to harvest 35-40 tons from 9 hectares of early and mid-late blueberry plantations in the Samegrelo region (Georgia). The harvest is expected in June.
  8. The company Mtsvane Mdelo, which started planting in Tskaltubo, Imeritinsky region (Western Georgia) in 2019, already expects to harvest 30-40 tons this season. The approximate start dates for the harvest are June 1-5.
  9. Farmer Dilar Todua grows blueberries on 10 hectares in the Samegrelo region (Western Georgia). He expects to harvest 35 tons of berries this year.
  10. 25-30 tons will be harvested by Agrotema cooperative, which unites 9 farmers in the Samegrelo region. In total, the area of Legacy blueberry stands is 23.5 hectares.
  11. The new producer Blueberry farm will harvest the first 20 tons from the plantations in the Likhauri village in the Ozurgeti region. The harvest is also expected in early June.
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