ExclusiveNewsTrendingRecord high prices for lemons in PolandEastFruit3 Nov 22 by EastFruit3 Nov 220313 A persistent upward trend in lemon prices has established on the Polish market due to their limited supply, EastFruit project analysts report...
ExclusiveNewsTrendingGeorgian mandarins are well-known in the region, but what about lemons?EastFruit4 Feb 22 by EastFruit4 Feb 220429 Georgia has a modest production of lemons compared to mandarins. Moreover, Georgia is a net importer of lemons, while mandarins...
ExclusiveNewsTrendingExports of lemons from Uzbekistan decreased by 37% in January-October 2021EastFruit25 Nov 21 by EastFruit25 Nov 21040 The volume of lemon exports from Uzbekistan decreased by 37% in physical terms in January-October 2021 compared to the same...
ExclusiveNewsLemons in Poland cost less than a year agoEastFruit10 Feb 2110 Feb 21 by EastFruit10 Feb 2110 Feb 210118 Prices for lemons in Poland have remained at a very low level since January, according to analysts of the EastFruit...
ExclusiveNewsOpinion: Increasing lemon production in Tajikistan could lead to sales over $30mEastFruit11 Jan 219 Jan 21 by EastFruit11 Jan 219 Jan 210202 In the coming years, it is possible to increase the production of lemons in Tajikistan at least twice and bring...