HomeHorticultural businessInterviewsUzbekistan exported for the first-time fresh table grapes to Japan in 2021 (interview with the exporter)

Uzbekistan exported for the first-time fresh table grapes to Japan in 2021 (interview with the exporter)

EastFruit has already reported that Uzbekistan exported the first test batches of fresh table grapes to Japan in 2021. We decided to find out the details – how they managed to agree on deliveries, what are the quality requirements, specifics of the local market and quarantine requirements, and whether there are prospects for the exports of table grapes from Uzbekistan to Japan.

The farmer Azizbek Khamraliev from Kuvasay, Fergana region of Uzbekistan, supplied his table grapes. He has experience in delivering grapes to the EU, in particular to Germany and Lithuania. In an interview for EastFruit, he willingly shares his experience.

Watch the interview in this video.

It should be noted that the farmer believes that it is very important for Uzbekistan to diversify the export of grapes so as not to depend on one market. Thus, it is also necessary to ensure the cultivation of modern seedless grape varieties in Uzbekistan.

As for exports to Japan, it is well known that Japan is one of the most demanding and challenging markets for fresh fruit. At the same time, Uzbekistan is a major producer and exporter of fresh fruits, in particular table grapes. The Japanese, on the other hand, often pay a lot for fruits, so they want them to be of high quality and completely safe.

Read also: Ranking of leading table grapes varieties in Uzbekistan gives no hope for export expansion

Therefore, successful export to Japan is a confirmation of high reputation and high quality of products for any company.

Uzbekistan already exports dried fruits to Japan. And it was dried fruits that helped create opportunities for exporting fresh grapes as well.

Of course, one should not expect that supplies will develop rapidly. However, the prices in the Japanese market are so attractive that it is very profitable to export even small volumes there.


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