HomeNewsPoland: potato prices down again

Poland: potato prices down again

EastFruit analysts report a significant drop in the wholesale prices of potatoes on the Polish market in the last days of February, based on the data from Fresh-Market.pl. The wholesale prices of potatoes fell by an average of 16% over the past week and are currently sold for 1.00-1.33 zlotys/kg (0.23-0.31 euros/kg).


This situation is obviously unfavorable for the Polish potato growers, who expect it to get even worse in the near future. The main reason for the further decline in prices in the potato segment is the low demand for this product both domestically and from export-oriented companies. The demand was affected by the relatively warm weather and the sharp decrease in potato exports to Romania, one of the biggest buyers of Polish potatoes.


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The situation in Western Europe is also not conducive to exports. The high prices prevent the exports to Africa, while the blockade of the sea route hinders the exports to Asia. This puts more downward pressure on the potato prices on the Polish domestic market. Moreover, the wholesale prices of export potatoes, which are shipped to France and Spain, have also plummeted. The average price of this product is now 0.35 euros/kg.



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