HomeNewsNew varieties of red currants of Ukrainian selection are grown in Ukraine

New varieties of red currants of Ukrainian selection are grown in Ukraine

Berries are a hot topic for agricultural producers because the berry market is scarce both in Ukraine and abroad. Besides, if the manufacturer is ready to supply packaged or frozen products, then the demand for it increases significantly, writes SEEDS.org.ua with reference to viche.ck.ua.

Such a calculation was made by the heads of Aleksandriyskiy Agro Holod LLC from the city of Smila (Cherkasy region, Ukraine) when they decided to start a currant business two years ago.

“We chose red currants for cultivation,” said Vitaly Pismenny, deputy director of the company. – We came from considerations that red currants are more resistant to drought and more productive than other types of currants, and their wood is more durable. The preference was given to the variety “Troitskaya”.

This is one of the newest varieties of Ukrainian selection, obtained from crossing the varieties “Jonkheer Van Tets” and “Altai Rannyaya”, not whimsical to growing conditions and resistant to major fungal diseases.

It should be said that not all regions of Ukraine are suitable for growing currants. This culture is not for a warm climate like in the South, but in the Cherkasy region, it feels great.

Moreover, there was chosen a proper area for its cultivation, namely on the river bank. What is needed for healthy berry growth? Water, particularly drip irrigation, weather conditions, and protection from weeds, pests, and diseases. Thus, we can ensure the proper cultivation of red currants in our region”.

On the outskirts of Kamenny Brod, where there used to be a public pasture, 70,000 currant bushes now grow. Soon the first harvest of berries will be gathered here, but the garden strawberries, under which 10 hectares have been allocated, have already been relished with pleasure by consumers this season.

Usually, the berries collected by employees hired for a fairly decent salary, are sent by residents to freeze, and then, according to Vitaly Pismenny, to European countries and the trade network of Ukraine.

Buzhanskaya OTG, on the territory of which the enterprise is located, is interested in cooperation with such a neighbor. After all, in the first year of their activity, the community budget received almost 100,000 hryvnias of tax.

It is noteworthy that in the currant garden, there was also a place for varieties that were bred by a native of Buzhanka, a famous breeder, candidate of biological sciences Peter Sherengovy.

Further, the company plans to breed sea buckthorn and garden crops.


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