HomeNewsFarmers of Tajikistan expect to harvest 1.1 million tons of potatoes in 2023

Farmers of Tajikistan expect to harvest 1.1 million tons of potatoes in 2023

According to the long-term plan, about 1.1 million tons of potatoes will be harvested in Tajikistan in 2023, Khovar reports with reference to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan.

“Potatoes are grown in the country in almost all cities and regions. This year, the area under potatoes is 2,474.5 hectares more than last year. According to official statistics, lands under potatoes occupy 58,566.3 hectares. Until July 1, 261,510 tons of potatoes have been harvested in the republic. Until the end of the season, another potato crop will be harvested ”, the source said. The leaders in potato production are Penjikent, Rasht, Mastchokh, Istaravshan, Darvaz, Vose, Kulyab, Lakhsh, Devashtich regions.

“To date, 165,762 tons have been collected in the Khatlon region, 43,342 tons in the Sughd region, 20,840 tons in Vahdat, and 11,527 tons in the Rudaki region. High-quality seeds are imported to obtain a high yield of potatoes. In 2023, according to the Customs Service of Tajikistan, 1,677 tons of high-quality seed potatoes were imported,” the Ministry said. There are 394 storage facilities for storing potatoes throughout the country.

Meanwhile, as the Khatlon region farmers said, potato re-planting will begin in August, and by November, there will be a new crop.

“Currently, the soil and seed potatoes are being prepared for re-sowing. It is expected that the harvest will be high if the weather conditions remain favorable,” said Nurali Safarov, head of the dekhkan farm “Mir” of the Khuroson district of the Khatlon region.


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