ExclusiveNewsTrendingOnline sales of fruits and vegetables in Ukraine will grow, while the share of non-chain retail will decreaseEastFruit10 Jan 22 by EastFruit10 Jan 22049 During the First International Retail Forum, held within the #FTrade Club 2021 in early December 2021, much attention was paid to new...
ExclusiveNewsTrendingAround 35 billion UAH from the sale of fruits and vegetables are not accounted for in any statistics in UkraineEastFruit9 Jan 228 Jan 22 by EastFruit9 Jan 228 Jan 22070 Retailers and entrepreneurs together provide 55% of all sales of fresh fruits and vegetables on the Ukrainian market. Unorganized trade accounts...
ExclusiveNewsTrendingWhy are bananas more important for Ukrainian supermarkets than potatoes and how can this be changed?EastFruit7 Jan 22 by EastFruit7 Jan 220168 According to EastFruit analysts, only about 5% of the potatoes consumed in Ukraine were sold in 2019 by retailers. Only a little...
ExclusiveNewsTrendingWith low apple prices in Ukraine, supermarkets earn very little from apple salesEastFruit30 Nov 2130 Nov 21 by EastFruit30 Nov 2130 Nov 21067 During the audit of the fruit and vegetable departments of supermarkets in five countries of the region, EastFruit experts determined, among other things, the...
ExclusiveNewsTrendingFresh produce trade in supermarkets of Ukraine: revenues, trends, structure and forecastsEastFruit25 Oct 2125 Oct 21 by EastFruit25 Oct 2125 Oct 210143 EastFruit analysts have conducted a unique study of the retail trade of fruits and vegetables in Ukraine that allowed to digitize all the...