ExclusiveNewsTrendingEgypt’s sweet success in sweet potatoes. Exports to EU soar in MY 2023/24EastFruit27 Jan 2425 Jan 24 by EastFruit27 Jan 2425 Jan 240495 Egyptian sweet potato exporters have had a remarkable start to the current season, as they have significantly boosted their shipments...
Market reviewsNewsTrendingDemand for sweet potatoes is growing globaly, what countries are the main suppliers?EastFruit2 Nov 231 Nov 23 by EastFruit2 Nov 231 Nov 230886 The global sweet potato market continues to widen its appeal, as interest in the product grows globally. In the Netherlands,...
ExclusiveNewsStudiesTrendingTop 10 facts about fruit and vegetable business in Morocco you might have never heard aboutEastFruit30 May 23 by EastFruit30 May 2302859 What have you heard about Morocco? Google gives a huge list of answers, including Sahara Desert, which sand dunes flow...
ExclusiveNewsTrendingEgypt builds presence in UK sweet potato marketEastFruit14 Apr 23 by EastFruit14 Apr 230636 Egypt keeps increasing exports of sweet potatoes to the UK – the largest market for sweet potatoes in Europe, EastFruit...
ExclusiveNewsTrendingMorocco steadily increases exports of superfood sweet potatoesEastFruit30 Mar 2330 Mar 23 by EastFruit30 Mar 2330 Mar 2311282 Regarded as a “superfood” lately, sweet potato has become another export crop for Morocco, according to EastFruit. In just a...
ExclusiveNewsStudiesTrendingFrozen and dried vegetables, lettuce, and sweet potatoes – how will the shrinking Russian economy affect their exports from Egypt? Analytics by EastFruit (Part III)EastFruit17 Jan 23 by EastFruit17 Jan 230311 EastFruit continues its series of analytical materials on the potential impact of Russia’s economic problems caused by its barbaric invasion...
ExclusiveNewsTrendingGeorgia more than doubled imports of sweet potatoesEastFruit21 Jul 22 by EastFruit21 Jul 220105 EastFruit analysts note that sweet potatoes are becoming popular in Georgia. Monthly imports were a record almost every month in 2022. The total volume...