HomeNewsOpinion: Over the next five years, the area for blueberries in Ukrainian berry farms will triple

Opinion: Over the next five years, the area for blueberries in Ukrainian berry farms will triple

Blueberries have been the most popular crop for commercial berry production in Ukraine over the past five years. This berry in the country currently occupies about 3 thousand hectares, and the area under it will triple over the next five years.

This is what Liliana Dmitrieva, CEO of Brusvyana LLC (Ukraine, Zhytomyr region), shared in an interview with AgroFM. Brusvyana LLC produces seedlings of fruit and berry crops.

At the same time, she noted that given the high demand for this crop, Brusvyana LLC produces about 500 thousand blueberry seedlings every year.

Considering the Ukrainian berry business tendencies, Liliana Dmitrieva noted that production success depends on a particular region where certain varieties of berries are grown. “In addition, it is essential to have an idea of ​​what your customer requires – whether it is B2B or the retail segment,” the CEO of Brusvyana LLC said, adding that “in Ukraine, berries can grow everywhere. The question is, what quality it is.”

The berry market specialist also commented on the price trends for Ukrainian berries in the current year. In particular, Dmitrieva noted that berry production, as a type of business, has certain costs when growing and costs for production technology and labor.

“Besides, the price of berries on the Ukrainian market this year was influenced by weather conditions: frosts and rains that occurred in May damaged many plantations in June,” said the CEO of Brusvyana LLC.

Liliana Dmitrieva also announced a berry festival “Brusvyana-Ukraine”, organized by her company and held on August 28 in Brusilov (Ukraine, Zhytomyr region).

“This is an interesting event. In general, we have been holding the Berry Festival for the 8th year in a row. But this year, it will be special because it received the status of a regional event. To do this, we applied to the Zhytomyr Regional Council, and by the decision of the session in June this year, we received this status. Traditionally, the festival is attended by producers of berries, equipment for berry growing, and industry specialists,” said Liliana Dmitrieva.

In particular, she noted that “Malinowe FACTORY” will occur during the festival, where experts will present the cultivation of raspberries in tunnels. The implementation of this modern technology makes it possible to get a very high-quality berry.

“At the same time, growing raspberries in tunnels minimizes risks in production, because the overwrap not only protects against frost but also forms the necessary air humidity in the tunnel. In addition, seedlings can be fed, irrigated, and protected from negative external factors.


This year we are preparing such a berry tunnel for demonstration, and on August 28, the presentation of this technology will take place, presenting the Polish experience of growing berries in tunnels and varieties of Ukrainian selection,” said the CEO.


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