HomeNewsEarly grapes will become available on the Moldovan market later than usual

Early grapes will become available on the Moldovan market later than usual

According to experts from Moldovan organizations of viticulturists, early varieties of table grapes will become available on the market later than usual. There are two reasons for this forecast. The first one was back in January when during anomalous periods in the south of Moldova the atmospheric temperature reached 16-17 degrees Celsius during the day, some vineyards took measures to slow down vegetation, EastFruit reports. It was reasonable so that the resistance of the most cold-sensitive table grape varieties would not decrease in the event of late spring frosts. The risk of them coming usually stays until the first week of May. In late April – early May, frosts in Moldova are rare, but the last case of them was recent – in 2021.

The second factor of slow vegetation is the periods of precipitation in March and April of this year. Due to wet soil, pruning in the vineyards was delayed or carried out more slowly than usual. A cold snap in the middle of April does not contribute to the accelerated growth of vines. Finally, given the likelihood of continued rainfall in the second half of spring, some growers did not reduce a load of bushes with a potential harvest, which also affects the vegetation.

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In general, in terms of weather conditions, this spring is still very similar to 2021 when vegetation was slow up until the harvest period. However, that year was characterized by intense rains and cool weather even in June. The weather conditions may be similar this year, but they are still different. Thus, only early varieties of grapes will become available on the market a little later, while late varieties will ripen by the usual date.


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