HomeNewsA good table grapes harvest is expected in Moldova

A good table grapes harvest is expected in Moldova

Experts from table grape growers’ associations believe that the good condition of the vines on most plantations forecasts a potential yield of about 15-20% above the average level over the past three years. During this period, the area of ​​productive plantations of table varieties in the country was about 17 thousand hectares. In 2020, about 70 thousand tons of table grapes were harvested there, 112 thousand tons in 2019 and 126 thousand tons in 2018.

The favorable forecast is explained by a good overwintering of the vineyards and high precipitation in the autumn-spring period. Precipitation continues in summer, however, according to most winegrowers, it is not excessive, since in some southern regions of the country, the moisture reserves in the soil under the vineyards are high only in the 50-70 cm layer.

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Anyway, the quantity and quality of the harvest will largely depend on whether growers will be able to provide timely, accurate and effective sanitization given almost daily rainfall and incipient flowering. With a relatively low air temperature, there is also a high probability of hail.

The cool late spring and early summer will delay the ripening and harvesting periods of table grapes in Moldova by about two weeks. According to some experts in the country’s viticulture industry, this can even be considered as an advantage. In previous seasons, harvesting started earlier than usual, and as a result, winegrowers had to store part of the harvest for several weeks or longer, until the price for large batches of table grapes was formed for stable export. This often resulted in a certain decrease in product quality by the time of its active deliveries. This year, the shelf life of products for the sake of better (more definite) market conditions will probably be shorter due to the later start of sales.


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