HomeHorticulture marketMarket reviewsStart of the orange season and domination of apples – weekly market analysis by EastFruit
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Start of the orange season and domination of apples – weekly market analysis by EastFruit

EastFruit team offers comprehensive fruit and vegetable market analyses of the previous week for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Middle East based on the offers and bids at the largest regional EF trade platform with 26,000 participants from 50 world countries (for the extended list of produce trade platforms see this article).

Key Highlights:

  • Apple remains the top-selling fruit with increasing supply.
  • Persimmon supply has sharply decreased.
  • Oranges have entered the top sales list – marking the start of a new season.
  • Cabbage dominated the vegetable segment, while potato and onion offerings declined.
  • Carrot prices are rising in Ukraine, while cucumber prices are falling.
  • Tomato prices continue to rise in Uzbekistan.
  • Egyptian exporters have reduced prices for lemons and mandarins.

Market Trends:

  • The EastFruit Trade Platform had 17 countries actively trading, with new listings from Kazakhstan, Macedonia, and Spain.
  • Increased product offerings from Uzbekistan and Turkey, while activity from Ukraine, Egypt, and Iran decreased.
  • Top five countries by number of offers and bids: Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Egypt, and Iran.

Price Dynamics:

  • Ukraine: Prices for high-quality cabbage and carrots increased, while onion and potato prices decreased. Imported cucumber prices fell due to increased supply. Tomato and sweet pepper prices rose.
  • Uzbekistan: Tomato prices continued to rise, with increases in minimum prices for onion and potato. Watermelon and melon prices rose again. Quality white grape prices increased.
  • Egypt: Exporters reduced prices for lemon and mandarin. Iceberg lettuce prices fell, while sweet potato prices rose. First price offers for red onion appeared.

Vegetable Segment:

  • Cabbage was the most frequently sold vegetable, though its supply slightly decreased.
  • Onion and potato offerings were significantly lower.
  • High demand for Kazakhstani potatoes from neighboring countries.
  • Increased supply of broccoli, cauliflower, and Chinese cabbage in Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
  • Daikon radish saw active trading, especially from Uzbekistan.
  • Cucumber offerings increased, while tomato offerings decreased.

Fruit Segment:

  • Apple remains the leader in listings, with growing supply.
  • Persimmon listings sharply decreased.
  • Grape sales remained stable.
  • Orange entered the top sales list, with increased sales from Egypt and Turkey.
  • Mandarin offerings decreased compared to the previous week.
  • Growing supply of strawberries from Turkey, with listings also from Egypt and Greece.

Technological Group Activity:

  • Stable activity in the EastFruit Fruittechnology group, with a decrease in seedling offerings but an increase in packaging and container sellers. Fertilizers and plant protection products were consistently offered. New technological equipment included seeders, greenhouse films, shading nets, drip tapes, and liflets. Uzbek participants promoted greenhouse construction services. A Hungarian company introduced the first drone system with LiDAR laser scanning.

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