HomeNewsLast year’s white cabbage becomes cheaper in Ukraine

Last year’s white cabbage becomes cheaper in Ukraine

In Ukraine, prices for last year’s white cabbage began to decline, EastFruit project analysts report. According to experts, the reason for the reduction was the decrease in trade and purchasing on the part of wholesale companies and retail chains. Also, pressure on prices for last year’s cabbage is exerted by a decrease in prices for early cabbage. At the same time, according to the project, the quality of cabbage on the Ukrainian market is in most cases low due to long-term storage.

In particular, on Friday 22 April Ukrainian producers offeedr last year’s white cabbage at 11-16 UAH/kg ($0.38-0.55/kg), which is 24% cheaper on average than in the previous week. According to project experts, the reason is a decrease in demand for last year’s cabbage from Ukrainian farms, caused by increased supply from Poland. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the price of last year’s imported cabbage on the Ukrainian market actually corresponds to the prices for cabbage from local farms.

Prices for last year’s cabbage in Ukraine are still at a fairly high level. For comparison: in the second half of April 2021, producers sold them on average 1.7 times cheaper than now.


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