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About Us


Comprehensive PR, advertising, and professional analytics from the international information-analytical platform EastFruit

We are the international team of analysts, agricultural journalists, and marketers specializing in the fruit and vegetable business at East-Fruit.com.

EastFruit is the leading international information and analytical platform for the fruit and vegetable business in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus, with three language versions of news and analysis (English, Ukrainian, Russian) and an audience of around 100 thousand readers per month (one million fruit and vegetable producers per year, with an average session duration of 1.7-2.5 minutes). Additionally, we have a substantial audience on our Telegram and Facebook pages.

We offer you comprehensive advertising and reputation enhancement services in the fruit and vegetable business:

1. Preparation and placement of an article about your company and its products on the EastFruit international information and analytical platform with the possibility of publication in three language versions with an active dofollow link (articles up to 3,500 characters are allowed).

  • Cost of placing an article in one language = 350 euros
  • Cost of placing an article in Ukrainian, Russian, and English = 550 euros
  • Cost of placing an announcement of your event in Ukrainian, Russian, and English = 350 euros
  • News Unlimited” for 1 month = 1000 euros

As a GIFT with the service, the published article will be promoted on the professional EF page on Facebook (in three language versions) and in 5-10 fruit and vegetable groups!

20% discount for placing 2 or more publications.

2. Promotion of your company on EastFruit pages on social media + posting about your company’s services in specialized agricultural groups in different directions and languages.

Preparation of a post banner + placement of 3 advertising posts on Facebook about your products on FB pages + sharing in 10 agro groups = 100 euros

Preparation of a post banner (our designer can do it, or you provide your design) + placement of 4 advertising posts per day in the UkrOpt Telegram group (over 20,000 members) for 7 days = 100 euros

Placement of 3 advertising posts per day for 3 days in the EastFruit Vegetables, Berries, Nuts Telegram group (over 25,000 members – fruit and vegetable business professionals) = 100 euros

Placement of 3 advertising posts per day for 5 days in the EastFruit Seedlings, Seeds, Fertilizers, Technologies Telegram group (over 10,000 members – fruit and vegetable business professionals) = 100 euros

Pinning your advertising post in any Telegram group for 1 day with notification to group members = 100 euros

Placement of your advertising article, already published on our website, in the EastFruit Telegram channel = 25 euros

20% discount for ordering 2 or more social media services.

3. Effective banner advertising, design, banners on all pages of the site that your clients will notice.

  • Placement of the main banner on the main page of the EastFruit international information and analytical platform with an active link leading to your site:
    • Cost of placing for one month on three language versions = 550 euros
    • Cost of placing for one month on two language versions (Russian, Ukrainian) = 350 euros
    • Cost of placing for two weeks on three language versions = 350 euros
    • Cost of placing for two weeks on two language versions (Russian, Ukrainian) = 300 euros

Advantage: a persistent banner that readers will see on EVERY PAGE OF THE SITE.

  • Placement of banners on the main page of the site, in special sections, etc., depending on the location, starting from 250 euros per month.
  • Branding the site background for 1 month on three language versions = 600 euros

4. Sending your news to the EastFruit International Fruit and Vegetable Platform subscriber base.

Service cost = 250 euros, with prior placement on the site = 150 euros

5. Preparation of comprehensive research on fruit and vegetable business topics, starting from 1000 euros.

6. Retail audits of fruit and vegetable departments in supermarkets in the capitals of Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Georgia, and Tajikistan, starting from 1000 euros for each country for 1 issue or 2800 euros for a subscription for 3 issues.

7. Preparation of analytical articles and market reviews, starting from 500 euros.

8. Expert consultation by analysts, marketers, experts, and practitioners in the fruit and vegetable business of the EastFruit team on fruit and vegetable business topics, investments, forecasts, etc., starting from 500 euros.

9. Conducting online events at the customer’s request (seminars, conferences), including event promotion, speaker and participant selection, participant registration, support, technical support, and moderation = 1000 euros.

10. Conducting offline events (conferences, seminars, business breakfasts, etc.) starting from 2000 euros.

We look forward to our cooperation!

The EastFruit International Information and Analytical Platform Team

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