HomeTrendingShould I plant raspberries? Checklist to define all the pros and cons

Should I plant raspberries? Checklist to define all the pros and cons

EastFruit experts draw attention to the huge interest in the cultivation of raspberries in all countries of the region given a record rise in global prices for frozen raspberries since summer 2021. The interest is especially high in Ukraine, where quite a few modern enterprises for freezing berries are already operating. There is also a boom in investments in new freezing capacity for raspberries, as well as other berries, fruits and vegetables.

We are approached by fairly large farmers growing grain, oilseeds and other crops, who would like to diversify their business. In addition, Ukrainians are actively buying raspberry seedlings, regardless of their origin and quality. As a rule, households buy seedlings for 0,05-0,25 ha and rarely for large areas.

Should grain growers, as well as households, invest in raspberry cultivation? Many of those who did not invest, still doubt. Experts will give a comprehensive answer to this question during the 17th international conference “Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2021. New Investment Opportunities” to be held on December 3, 2021 in Kyiv as part of the FTrade Club.

In particular, FAO economist Andriy Yarmak will show a strategic comprehensive approach to this business in his presentation “30 years of mistakes in investments in the fruit and vegetable sector of Ukraine and real solution  to reach promising profitable and sustainable investments. TOP-10 most interesting actual market niches”. The efficiency of investments in cultivation will be revealed by Olexandr Yareschenko, Deputy Director of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and Taras Bashtannyk, President of the Ukrainian Horticultural Association (UHA). Yulia Tymoshenko, who has experience in creating from scratch and developing a modern business of freezing and exporting berries will cover the efficiency of freezing raspberries.

Now we offer everyone who considers planting raspberries, to try and come to preliminary conclusions by answering a number of simple questions.

  1. Do you know the history of the pricing of raspberries and the reasons why their prices periodically fell below production cost, or skyrocketed to very high levels? If not, we advise you to read our article “Raspberry Boom 2”, which partially answers these questions. We will tell you more at the conference mentioned above.
  2. Raspberries are not cereals. Do you realize that the result of growing raspberries is much more dependent on the qualifications of experts, weather risks are much higher, more operations per hectare need to be carried out and material costs per hectare are much higher? In addition, the business is planned for many years, and exit from it threatens with a complete loss of investment, while in cereals you can change the crop or variety for the next year of production.
  3. Do you realize that growing raspberries will require hiring a large number of seasonal workers (3 to 5 per hectare), to whom adequate conditions for work, food and possibly housing should be provided?
  4. Will the raspberries be grown for freezing or for the fresh market? Do you know which varieties are best for freezing and which ones for the fresh market and why?
  5. Do you understand the huge difference in growing technology, harvesting phases, processing and packaging of raspberries for the fresh market or freezing?
  6. Do you have the option of cooling raspberries after harvesting?
  7. Do you know for sure where you will sell your raspberries and do you have options B, C, D and E if this distribution channel abandons the products, which is quite often the case?
  8. Do you know the key indicators of the quality of raspberries from the point of view of the buyer, and how this affects the price?
  9. What varieties of raspberries will be grown: summer or remontant and why?
  10. Are you familiar with the weather and market risks when growing raspberries? By the way, you can read about effective methods of dealing with weather risks here.
  11. Did you know that global demand for raspberries dropped sharply after a sharp rise in prices in mid-2021 and some countries started to cut imports? If not, we covered it partially here.
  12. Do you know about the potential of the global market for freezing berries, fruits and vegetables, as well as the main factors influencing its development?

These are just a few general questions, to which we have already partially answered. We will reveal them in more detail on December 3 in Kyiv at the 17th international conference “Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2021. New Investment Opportunities”.

We believe that investing in raspberry cultivation in Ukraine is quite profitable even now, but only provided there is a clear understanding of the strategy and all the nuances of such investments. We will give you all the necessary information for building the right strategy for the raspberry business on the conference on December 3rd in Kyiv. Registration for the event is open here.


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