NewsPhoto GalleryTrendingNorth Korea opens massive greenhouse complex, but makes false claims about sizeEastFruit24 Mar 2422 Mar 24 by EastFruit24 Mar 2422 Mar 240479 State media reported that North Korea opened the “world’s biggest vegetable farm” on Friday, emphasizing leader Kim Jong Un’s orders...
BlogsExclusiveNewsTrendingFifth generation greenhouses, what are they, who would need them, and what are the limitations?Marite Gailite29 Nov 2328 Nov 23 by Marite Gailite29 Nov 2328 Nov 230360 Recently, in a conversation with a fruit nursery they said that “they have a fifth-generation greenhouse.” To my surprise, how...
NewsTrendingVideoGeorgian Greenhouse Cluster invites investors (video)EastFruit14 Sep 2314 Sep 23 by EastFruit14 Sep 2314 Sep 230306 Imereti Agro Zone LLC (IAZ) is pleased to announce the official launch of the Request for Proposals (RfP) for the...
ExclusiveNewsTrendingA shortage of greenhouse vegetables is expected in Ukraine this seasonEastFruit23 Sep 22 by EastFruit23 Sep 220117 Prices for greenhouse vegetables have skyrocketed in Ukraine this week, EastFruit project analysts report . The main reason for the increase in...
ExclusiveNewsTrendingA large greenhouse complex has been built in the Fergana region (Uzbekistan)EastFruit5 Feb 225 Feb 22 by EastFruit5 Feb 225 Feb 220235 In the Dangara district of the Ferghana region of Uzbekistan, a new modern greenhouse complex of 4 ha has been...
NewsTrendingRare investment opportunity for greenhouse businesses offered by the Government of Georgia!EastFruit12 Nov 2111 Nov 21 by EastFruit12 Nov 2111 Nov 210349 EastFruit project would like to draw attention to a rare opportunity for any investors, which Georgian government is offering. Here...
NewsProduction of greenhouse vegetables in Russia to grow by 7.6% in 2021EastFruit10 Feb 2110 Feb 21 by EastFruit10 Feb 2110 Feb 210149 The forecast by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture predicts at least 1.45 million tons of vegetables will be grown in...