HomeNewsTrade mission to Warsaw, Poland for fruit and vegetable exporters from Egypt and Morocco: November 12-15, 2024

Trade mission to Warsaw, Poland for fruit and vegetable exporters from Egypt and Morocco: November 12-15, 2024

Meet largest buyers of fruits and vegetables from the most rapidly growing importing region – Eastern and Central Europe – by joining FAO/EBRD led trade mission for Egyptian and Moroccan exporters to Warsaw, Poland, on November 12-15!


Tentative program of the trade mission:

  • November 12 – Arrival in Warsaw, hotel check-in, and free time
  • November 13 – Visit to Bronisze Wholesale Market (short meetings with wholesale market operators), lunch, visit to a fresh produce logistics operator (Greenyard or Green Factory Logistics – TBC), and visits to 1-2 supermarkets with a buyer (TBC)
  • November 14, 09:30-17:00 – B2B Forum, including pre-scheduled meetings with supermarket buyers and importers from Poland and other Eastern European countries (Romania, Czechia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, Slovakia).
  • November 15 – Hotel check-out and departure

Pay your attention!

Up to 10 companies from each country (Egypt and Morocco) will be selected to participate in the trade mission. The selection is based on the following criteria:

a.      Brief (less than 1 page) essay about why you think your company should get selected, which demonstrates your knowledge of the target market, logistics and USPs of your company

b.           Participation in the training

c.           Possession of a valid Schengen visa

d.          Experience exporting to this region and general experience in foreign trade

e.          Possession of quality assurance certificates (copies need to be provided)

f.            Trade volumes sufficient for trading internationally

g.           Product range aligning with the focus of the mission (refer to the market study)

h.          Social media presence and quality (links need to be provide)

i.            Verification from AEC and HEIA for Egypt and FoodEx for Morocco

j.            Confirmation of fluent English by participants


To join, please follow a registration process via this link

We expect that only one person from one company will take part in the mission. If you plan to have two representatives, a proper justification will be needed before the approval.


Selection and confirmation process

After you received a letter from us with confirmation that your company has been selected, which should be no later than October 9, 2024, you will have to confirm participation by sharing with us a copy of your airline ticket to Warsaw for the dates of the trade mission. If you fail to send us a copy of your ticket by the 12th of October 2024, your place will be automatically offered to another shortlisted company.



The organizers will cover the costs of the B2B meeting organization on November 14th and of the study tour on November 13th, while the participants are expected to cover all other costs associated with travel, accommodation, visas, etc.


Why Poland & Eastern Europe?

  • a joint market of more than 110 mln of ready-to-experiment-and-try-new consumers
  • already large share of total fruit and vegetable imports and fastest growth rates in the EU
  • leading global positions in imports of citrus fruits, grapes, watermelons, etc.
  • ideal prerequisites for bilateral trade and product portfolio combinations
  • transparent doing business, trade, and investment conditions


Registration form is available here


Please make sure to get acquainted with the following important materials before the mission:

·                    a comprehensive study of the Eastern European fruit and vegetable market

·                    video-recording of the training on navigating the Eastern European fresh produce market

·                    an in-depth video-presentation of the Polish market specifics and requirements


The use of the site materials is free if there is a direct and open for search engines hyperlink to a specific publication of the East-Fruit.com website.

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